Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Reception 2

Reception had lots of fun showing their phonics knowledge and participating in lots of fun activities during our first phonics drop-in session. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. We can't wait to see you again at our next stay and play session.


Hello and welcome to Reception. My name is Miss Barber and I am the class teacher for R2. We have an amazing TA called Mrs Wheeldon and she helps us with our day to day lessons and activities. I have been teaching in Early years for several years now and love every minute of it.

In Early year we follow the seven areas of learning. All of the areas are important as they are all interconnected. These 7 areas are used by early years settings to shape their education programmes and to determine what children should learn and how children's learning and development will be supported through each of these 7 areas. 

These areas are;
• Communication and language
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Physical development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design.

Personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, and physical development are the prime areas of learning and development in EYFS. These areas are important as they form the foundations upon which all further learning is built.

For R2 our P.E day is on Wednesday afternoons. Children should arrive to school in their P.E kit and wear this all day. Our P.E kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and a black jacket to keep them warmer in Winter. P.E pumps or trainers are to be worn on these days also.

We share all our work and home learning through Tapestry. On this, parents are able to communicate with the teachers and share their child's learning at home as well as observe what their child has been doing in school. We share these posts on Mondays with the whole class.
I absolutely love working with the staff and children in Early years. We are one big family and cannot wait to continue to teach your children during their first years at Park View.

Please take a look at our Curriculum Overview for further information of topics we will be exploring.

Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Reception 2

Reception had lots of fun showing their phonics knowledge and participating in lots of fun activities during our first phonics drop-in session. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. We can't wait to see you again at our next stay and play session.


Hello and welcome to Reception. My name is Miss Barber and I am the class teacher for R2. We have an amazing TA called Mrs Wheeldon and she helps us with our day to day lessons and activities. I have been teaching in Early years for several years now and love every minute of it.

In Early year we follow the seven areas of learning. All of the areas are important as they are all interconnected. These 7 areas are used by early years settings to shape their education programmes and to determine what children should learn and how children's learning and development will be supported through each of these 7 areas. 

These areas are;
• Communication and language
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Physical development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design.

Personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, and physical development are the prime areas of learning and development in EYFS. These areas are important as they form the foundations upon which all further learning is built.

For R2 our P.E day is on Wednesday afternoons. Children should arrive to school in their P.E kit and wear this all day. Our P.E kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and a black jacket to keep them warmer in Winter. P.E pumps or trainers are to be worn on these days also.

We share all our work and home learning through Tapestry. On this, parents are able to communicate with the teachers and share their child's learning at home as well as observe what their child has been doing in school. We share these posts on Mondays with the whole class.
I absolutely love working with the staff and children in Early years. We are one big family and cannot wait to continue to teach your children during their first years at Park View.

Please take a look at our Curriculum Overview for further information of topics we will be exploring.

Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Reception 2

Reception had lots of fun showing their phonics knowledge and participating in lots of fun activities during our first phonics drop-in session. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. We can't wait to see you again at our next stay and play session.


Hello and welcome to Reception. My name is Miss Barber and I am the class teacher for R2. We have an amazing TA called Mrs Wheeldon and she helps us with our day to day lessons and activities. I have been teaching in Early years for several years now and love every minute of it.

In Early year we follow the seven areas of learning. All of the areas are important as they are all interconnected. These 7 areas are used by early years settings to shape their education programmes and to determine what children should learn and how children's learning and development will be supported through each of these 7 areas. 

These areas are;
• Communication and language
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Physical development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design.

Personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, and physical development are the prime areas of learning and development in EYFS. These areas are important as they form the foundations upon which all further learning is built.

For R2 our P.E day is on Wednesday afternoons. Children should arrive to school in their P.E kit and wear this all day. Our P.E kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers and a black jacket to keep them warmer in Winter. P.E pumps or trainers are to be worn on these days also.

We share all our work and home learning through Tapestry. On this, parents are able to communicate with the teachers and share their child's learning at home as well as observe what their child has been doing in school. We share these posts on Mondays with the whole class.
I absolutely love working with the staff and children in Early years. We are one big family and cannot wait to continue to teach your children during their first years at Park View.

Please take a look at our Curriculum Overview for further information of topics we will be exploring.