Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127


Like all schools, we have a Governing Body which is made up of individuals from different walks of life who come together, along with the Head Teacher, to form the Governing Body of Park View Primary School. They play an important role in the school community as they help to lead the school, evaluate its progress and ensure the school is always looking and moving forward. Governors are seen as part of the Leadership and Management of Park View Primary School.

Governors at Park View support the school leadership team in making sound financial judgments and ensuring that the correct decisions are made about the children’s education. Governors monitor the progress of the school and evaluate the impact of those decisions. This means they look at how well our children are performing in their education and extra-curricular activities with a clear focus on the whole curriculum. As individuals, it is important that Governors know the school well, so they can often be seen around school and at school events. Governors set high expectations and ask challenging questions of the school leadership team. Park View Governors do not make day to day decisions about how the school is run, that is the job of the Head Teacher and senior staff but through mutual conversations will inform the leading and managing of the school.  

The majority of the work a Governor does is through the membership of committees which meet once every term. Governors are members of the following  key committees:
• Curriculum and Achievement  
• Safeguarding, Inclusion and Behaviour
• Health, Safety, Wellbeing and Community Liaison
• Leadership and Management

The Full Governing Body also meets once a term.

Full Governor meetings are clerked by Bury Council. The school is also supported by a School Adviser who works closely with our governors.

Examples of Governor Activities:
• deciding how the budget should be spent; ensuring good value for money;
• making sure the curriculum provides and is effective for all pupils;
• making sure the school buildings are welcoming, safe and well used;
• setting and monitoring the school’s values, aims and policies;
• appointing staff and making sure the right development and reward arrangements are in place for those staff.
• visiting school to oversee their particular areas of responsibility. 

The Full Governing Body meet once a term to discuss matters from smaller committee meetings and to also find out about current educational issues. The minutes are always presented one term behind as they have to be agreed at the following term’s meeting.  Copies of minutes and agendas can be provided on request.

The school governors are as follows:

Mr Jeffrey Rose Chair of Governors
Training Link Governor
until 15/5/28
Mrs Victoria Whiteley Parent Governor
Attendance Link Governor
Until 30/11/26
Ms Donna Marcus Parent Governor
Curriculum and Achievement Link Governor 
Until 04/10/24
Mrs Elizabeth Evans-Jarvis

Appointed Governor

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Link Governor  

Until 4/11/25
Mrs Kathryn Gaskell Staff Governor Staff Governor until 4/11/25
Mrs Emma Udall Head Teacher – Associate Member  
Mr Andrew Rhodes Appointed Governor

Until 14/11/27

Mr Alan Quinn Appointed Governor

Until 09/09/24

Past Governors
Mrs Sue Parkinson-Wood Vice Chair of Governors
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Link Governor 
until 15/5/24

Please click here to see Governor Register of Business Interests

Please click here to see Governance Handbook 2022-2023


Governor Profiles

Jeff Rose

I have served as a Governor since 2009 and became Chair of Governors in October 2012. I earned my Dip.M and MCIM from the  Manchester Business School.

My early training was in Telecommunications Engineering developing into Project Management, Sales, Marketing and Business Development. I have participated  in a Government working party on Flexible Working and its impact on productivity, health and well-being. My experience in both technology and finance initiatives enable me to help the school in various ways including budgeting, investment and developing both its infrastructure and its people development programmes to best advantage. As a Community School it is vital we interact with all ‘Stakeholders’ and support the community we belong to. As a member of the Schools Governing Body we collectively aim to give the children of Park View the best possible start in life both academically and as well rounded individuals.

Elizabeth Evans-Jarvis

I have long standing connections to Park View, in that  my Auntie was a Teacher here for 25 years, my nieces and nephews attended the school and now my daughter is also in attendance.

I earned my BA and Dipl.Betriebswirt (a German degree) in International Business Studies  at Middlesex University and the Fachhochschule fuer Technik und Wirtshaft Reutlingen. My early career was as an International Business Development Manager in telecommunications. I am bilingual, English and German. In my early thirties I decided on a Career change, and obtained an LLB in law in  2006 and then qualified as a non – practising Barrister in 2008. In 2011 I qualified as a practising Solicitor. My experience in technology, business and law enable me to guide, advise and challenge the school in it’s policies, development programmes and achievements, ensuring that the children of Park View obtain the best academic and personal development start in life.

Kathryn Gaskell

I have been a Staff Governor at Park View since November 2014. I currently teach in Reception and am the Early Years Leader at the school. I have worked at Park View since 2009 and have now worked in every year group in school apart from Nursery. In 2013, I completed a two year leadership and management course enabling me to take up a position on the Leadership Team.

The main reason for me choosing to become a Staff Governor was to further my understanding of school governance and form a link between the governing body and other teachers.

I am looking forward to working alongside fellow Governors to ensure Park View Primary School continues to raise standards as well as helping the School to develop and grow further in many new and exciting projects that will give our children the best education and experiences possible.