Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Class 5HD

Hello and welcome to 5HD.

On Monday to Wednesday the class is taught by Mrs Hamilton and on Thursday to Friday by Mrs Devine. We are lucky to have Miss Hamblett with us every day too.

On our class page you will find information about all the exciting topics and details of our routines that will take place throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are usually available for a chat at the end of the day. We will also share updates and photos of our achievements on our school Twitter page.


Autumn 1 – Alchemy Island

Autumn 2 –Stargazers

Spring 1 – Revolution (Victorians)

Spring 2 – Beast Creator

Summer I – Pharaohs (Ancient Egyptians)

Summer 2 – Time Traveller

Please look at our topic home learning menu for lots of ideas of activities that you can complete at home.

PE - Our PE lessons are on Tuesday. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and trainers). Earrings should be removed or covered with tape and long hair tied back.

Reading - Children are encouraged to bring in their home school reading book on a weekly basis to be changed. Our books will be changed on Friday.

Children will also have the opportunity to choose a book from the library which they can also read at home.

Homework - Homework is handed out on a weekly basis. Children will be given Maths homework on a Friday, and this is to be returned the following week.

Spellings - Spellings are handed out on Wednesday to be tested the following Wednesday. Children have the opportunity to learn their spellings in school and are encouraged to practice these at home too.

We are looking forward to having lots of amazing learning experiences together this year.




Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Class 5HD

Hello and welcome to 5HD.

On Monday to Wednesday the class is taught by Mrs Hamilton and on Thursday to Friday by Mrs Devine. We are lucky to have Miss Hamblett with us every day too.

On our class page you will find information about all the exciting topics and details of our routines that will take place throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are usually available for a chat at the end of the day. We will also share updates and photos of our achievements on our school Twitter page.


Autumn 1 – Alchemy Island

Autumn 2 –Stargazers

Spring 1 – Revolution (Victorians)

Spring 2 – Beast Creator

Summer I – Pharaohs (Ancient Egyptians)

Summer 2 – Time Traveller

Please look at our topic home learning menu for lots of ideas of activities that you can complete at home.

PE - Our PE lessons are on Tuesday. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and trainers). Earrings should be removed or covered with tape and long hair tied back.

Reading - Children are encouraged to bring in their home school reading book on a weekly basis to be changed. Our books will be changed on Friday.

Children will also have the opportunity to choose a book from the library which they can also read at home.

Homework - Homework is handed out on a weekly basis. Children will be given Maths homework on a Friday, and this is to be returned the following week.

Spellings - Spellings are handed out on Wednesday to be tested the following Wednesday. Children have the opportunity to learn their spellings in school and are encouraged to practice these at home too.

We are looking forward to having lots of amazing learning experiences together this year.