Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Class 1S


Welcome to 1S class page!

My name is Mrs Smith and I am the class teacher for 1S. We are very lucky to have Miss Callow working with us as well.

In Year One, we are learning how to become independent learners and apply our knowledge by completing challenges in our learning areas. We have lots of fun working and learning together!

We learn about interesting topics from our Cornerstones curriculum, such as The Enchanted Woodland and Splendid Skies. One of my favourite topics is Moon Zoom where we explore what it is like in space.

We follow the Monster Phonics scheme to support our reading and phonics learning and enjoy meeting all the different monsters who live in Monster Phonics Land.

We are very proud of our work in Year 1 and love collecting Class Dojo’s points!