Park View Road, Prestwich, M25 1FA
0161 798 7632/0161 773 5127

Reception 1

Miss Healer and the team welcome you to R1!

Moving into Reception is an exciting stage in your child’s learning journey and our aim is to provide an enabling and stimulating environment in which your children feel happy to explore and learn.

We follow the EYFS curriculum, where we learn through a play-based curriculum building on children's knowledge and skills in our indoor and outdoor spaces. 
Children can move freely between the areas, providing opportunities for them to follow their own interests supported and developed by our staff.
In reception, we use Tapestry to communicate and share learning with parents/careers. Please ensure you regularly check Tapestry for any updates.

Key information:

• This half term, PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday - please ensure your child comes to school in their kit.
• Reading books are changed and handed out on Fridays. Please ensure books are read, signed and handed back to school on Wednesday.

Staff in Reception:

Miss Healer: R1 Class Teacher
Miss Barber: R2 Class Teacher
Miss Wheeldon, Miss Turner and Miss Crompton: Teaching Assistant


Please take a look at our Curriculum Overview for further information of topics we will be exploring.